Just one? LOL. I must admit that I have more than one person who has been inspirational to me in my spiritual journey: my parents and also my friend and dear sister in Christ, Kourtney. I share my sentiments below.
Mom & Dad
My parents are the greatest spiritual example I know. I've learned so much from them just by watching. Individually, they have taught me about faithfulness to God and being prayerful about everything I do. Collectively, they are the greatest married team I know. I love how prayerful they are about the decisions they make and how they consult with each other before making decisions. They are faithful tithers and good stewards over what God has given them. But the one thing that rates very high to me about my parents (and something I will always carry with me) is how they allowed God to transform them, making Christ the head of their lives. Their change, changed our family. I'm proud to say that all of my parent's children and grandchildren are saved and all of us live our lives growing, learning, and living our lives for Christ. I went a bit off the subject, but those sentiments are why my parents have been so inspirational to me. Those are the seeds they planted that I will forever carry with me.
If I had a slogan for this young lady it would be, "Sometimes you just need a REAL friend." That's exactly what Kourtney has been to me. We have literally grown together in our spiritual walk complete with bumps, bruises (not literally lol), ups, downs, everything. Out of all that, we have come out greater as friends and sisters in Christ. I have so much respect for her passion for the things of God, which is quite inspiring. God has given her an awesome gift of insight and He's used her to help me when my perspective on certain situations were a little off. Ultimately, I know that God has placed her in my life as an encourager, an uplifter, and someone who's going to give it to me straight, but with sincerity and in love. She's also my right hand girl in my single walk. I'd be here forever if I expressed how much of a blessing she's been to me in this season of my life. Having a real, true friend may not fall under the category of "inspirational" for everyone, but for me it does. True friendships are hard to come by, especially ones that are founded in Christ. And for me that is inspirational.
My mom, both grandmas, and my best friend Christina. They are all amazing women and I've felt that their faith was stronger than mine was. It's usually them who gets me back on track when I've fallen off and I love them for it.