Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Hello and Happy Wednesday :-) Today I'm sharing a post that I posted on Facebook recently. I started to notice more the relationship between our young men and women, but noticed something specifically about our young men: do we teach them about faithfulness? As I pondered it more, I decided to write out my thoughts. Take a moment and read my post below. As always, I would love to hear your thoughts.

#thoughtforthemoment What do we teach our boys about faithfulness? More than likely, we may tell our girls not to get pregnant or "don't bring home any babies" but what do we teach our boys about faithfulness? (And yes, boys need to be taught about sex as well). Do we really talk to them about the fragility of a girl's heart (not fragile as in weak, but precious), the sensitivity of it, how it needs to be protected? Do we teach them that girls are not objects and shouldn't be seen as such? Do we teach them the importance of not approaching a young lady when they know that she may not be the only one? Do we teach them to approach a young lady with real friendship first without any ulterior motives? Do we teach them that it's ok to get to know themselves first and deal with their own issues and growth so they can be ready for a relationship with someone else? Just as much as we are adamant with our girls about certain things, we have to be just as adamant with our boys. I believe that when we teach VALUE to both boys and girls, as they get older they can navigate relationships better, not just romantic, but friendships as well.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hello and Happy Wednesday :-) I'm playing a little catch up this week since there were no posts for the last two Wednesdays. I am posting today so that this will not be the third week of not having posts. I just simply want to wish you a happy Wednesday and the rest of the week.

Image result for happy wednesday