Wednesday, March 14, 2018


I shared this message on my personal social media account a few months ago. When I was thinking of what I wanted to share on Chronicles for this month, this came to mind. I will let the message speak for itself and hope that if anyone is thinking of giving up on anything they've worked hard to build, that they will rethink it after reading today's post.

Sometimes, during the course of pursuing our dreams, something can come along that can have an affect on us. It can be a financial hardship or a broken relationship. It can be thoughts of doubt or discouragement. Those things can affect us mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. In those times we can be tempted to give up on something that we've worked really hard for. The emotional toll of it can seem too great. In those moments we may not appreciate the value of the thing we've worked so hard to build, no matter what stage of the building process we are in. In those moments, we may not have the will to keep pushing or see the light at the end of the tunnel. If I may, I'd like to encourage you to never let anyone or anything destroy what you've built. Don't stop it, delete it, trash it, or throw it away. You may have to temporarily take a break to get yourself together, then come back to what you were building, but don't let anyone or anything destroy what you've built. Don't let anything influence you to stop pursuing your dreams. Don't allow doubt or discouragement to make you quit and give up. Don't let a broken relationship or toxic friendships make you put your dreams aside. Don't let the grief of who left you make you give up on your dreams. You've worked too hard for it and you've sacrificed too much for it. Protect it, value it, appreciate it, achieve it, but don't let anyone or anything destroy it. (Helpful scripture: John 10:10)

As always, share your thoughts in the comments if today's message has spoken to you or helped you in any way.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018


Thank you to everyone who responded to my last post. I love your excitement and how much you continue to encourage me. Now that I know you are here, I have another question: What do you want to see on Chronicles? I remind myself that my readers are not the same as they were when Chronicles first started, or not even the same within the last 2-3 years. I've grown in all aspects of my life and I'm pretty sure you have as well. So tell me: what do you want to see on Chronicles? No idea or suggestion is too big or too small. Looking forward to hearing from you.

If you missed the last post, check it out here.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Are You There?

Hello :-) This is just a quick post to see who's reading Chronicles. Hearing from you helps me to know the interest that you have in the blog, and if you're reading, or receiving, Chronicles in your inbox. Your responses also help me to determine the type of content for the blog. So, with that being said, are you there? Let me know. Also feel free to share any suggestions, ask any questions, make any comments that you have about Chronicles. Thank you.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Coming Up On Chronicles

Hello :-) I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I want to share this quick post with you about how often I will be posting to Chronicles and other details about the blog. Take a look below.

Coming Up On Chronicles
I will be posting to Chronicles on the 14th of every month. Since the latest post was shared on the 14th (the post that officially got the ball rolling since my return to Chronicles) and to keep things on a relatively consistent schedule, I decided to stay with the 14th for each month. There may be times when I will post outside of the monthly time frame, if there is a topic, thought, etc...that I really want to share. Features will also be returning to Chronicles. I will post when features will begin here on Chronicles when I set an official time frame.

That's all for now :-) If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments about Chronicles, you are welcome to email them to me at Thank you and have a great rest of the weekend. 

If you haven't seen the latest post, check it out now: Love What You Do Enough to Remain Committed.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Love What You Do Enough To Remain Committed

I've learned a lesson that I will keep duly noted as I move forward with this blog: love what you do enough to remain committed. After I returned to Chronicles this year, I began to think about something: I wondered if my readers were still receptive to hearing anything that I had to say? I mean, there could only be so many times that discouragement would prevent me from posting, to return, hoping that you would understand my reason for not posting. That realization is part of what's keeping me motivated and committed this time around.

I also realized that when I leave Chronicles, I create a disconnection with my readers and doing that begins to make an impression on you. It doesn't matter why I've been away, only that I'm taking something away from you that you enjoy, may find hope in, encourages you, and that you look forward to. That is why I am intentional about being committed to writing for Chronicles again, but this is not just about me, this is about you, too.

Has something in your life stopped you from doing what is truly dear to your heart? Have you started and stopped, then started and stopped, again? Has discouragement or doubt crept in to make you temporarily throw in the towel? 

Well, I'm here to tell you that you can make a comeback, even if it's your second, third, fourth, or tenth comeback. 

So, what does all of this have to do with love and commitment? Well, I believe that when we truly love something, regardless of the up and downs, or setbacks, it remains in our hearts. We may want to do the right thing, keep moving, keep pursuing, and give our best, but the stumbling blocks, sometimes, seem to hold the greater weight. But it is the thing that resides in our hearts that won't go away (love) and the determination that won't let us give up, even when we've temporarily thrown in the towel (commitment), that allows us to give it one more try.

Today, that is what I am encouraging you to do, to give it one more try. Go back to the thing that you love and make a commitment to it. It does not have to be an overnight process. Take it step by step and one day at a time.

It was some end-of-the-year self reflection last year that led me to think about coming back to Chronicles. Maybe this is the moment that will lead you back to what you love. You can do it. You can start again, but this time with a new frame of mind and a new outlook. This is your new opportunity to go back to what you love and remain committed to it.

Helpful scripture: 1 Corinthians 13


I want to hear from you. Let me know what you love enough to remain committed to. Let me know what struggles you may be having in starting over again. Share here in the comments or write to me at 

Thank you for your continued support and readership. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

Coming up on Chronicles: 
New blog post 2.14.18. If you haven't seen the latest posts, check them out below:

Saturday, January 27, 2018


When I first started this blog, I had a few things in mind: to encourage single Christian women with a desire for marriage, to encourage single Christian women, in general, and to chronicle my single days until I met my future husband. For the most part, the former things have happened, but it was the latter that I began to struggle with. The struggle wasn't that my future husband hadn't come into my life, but I felt as if I had no personal content (read: anything going on in my life) that I could chronicle and share. This is why, at a certain point, I would disappear from the blog, then reappear, months, or even years, later. I would allow bouts of discouragement to hinder the progression of the blog. Well, I understand now that the content on Chronicles doesn't always have to be personal. The sole purpose of this blog is to encourage single Christian women, with a desire for marriage, in all aspects of their lives. 

With all of this said, I am happy to say that I've embraced my blogging "lane." As long as I know that I'm doing what God has called me to do, I'm good. Will there be changes to the blog in the future? Yes, but that will come with time. For now, I'm going to continue to encourage you through Chronicles of a Future Wife just as things are.

Lastly, it's not lost on me that the moment I began writing for Chronicles again, the enemy (the devil) began to fight me tooth and nail. I see now that he does this through the weapon of discouragement. I believe that he knows when we (me and my readers) connect, something great happens: you are set free, strongholds are broken, minds are renewed, and so much more. I believe there are prayer warriors among my readers. I believe that Chronicles is impacting women in a realm that is helping to change their lives. With that said, I ask for your prayers as I begin this journey again with Chronicles. I believe in the breaking of strongholds. I believe that prayer changes things and I solicit them from you. I will be doing the same for you in return. 

Thank you so much for your continued support. I'm excited about what is to come. 


"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." -Romans 8:28

Thursday, January 25, 2018

What Do You Believe About Men? (Part 2)

The follow up to What Do You Believe About Men? is simple, really: take inventory. Yes, take a look at the thoughts that you have about men. How can you "look" at your thoughts? Write them down. I listed some questions, below, from the first part of WDYBAM, and added a few more. I believe that it's important to do introspection as we go along this single journey. If you want to do that, take a moment and answer the questions below. Do it at your own pace and in your own way. Once you're done, I believe that you will have better insight on how you perceive men and it will help to overcome any struggles that you may have in this area.


-What is your perception of men, in general?

-Do you think all men are cheaters? If so, why? How does that shape what you believe about them? 

-Do you think men don't know how to commit? Why or why not?

-Are you willing to settle because you believe there isn't a real, good, complete, whole man for you?

-What influences your perception of men?

-What kind of men did you grow up around? Did they shape how you perceive men?

-What would help you to change any negative perceptions of men that you may have? Thank you for reading.

Only you know what your perception of men are. Take those thoughts and feelings to God in prayer. He knows your heart and understands your heart.

Lord, thank You that I can come to you about anything, including my perceptions about men. Thank You for knowing and understanding my heart. I'm bringing my thoughts and feelings to You, whatever they may be. I do not want anything to hinder my growth as a person or in my singleness. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

1 Peter 5:7

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Chronicles is Returning in February

Hello and Happy New Year! This is to let you know that Chronicles will be returning in February. For now, I will be posting the follow up to What Do You Believe About Men? I will also be doing an update post about myself and Chronicles. Both will be happening this week. Thank you for another opportunity to share Chronicles with you.