Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Take a moment today to put down your phone and appreciate the beautiful things going on around you. Sometimes social media can be used as a way to escape, but sometimes what you're escaping to may not be beneficial. Perfectly posed pictures, a snap of what appears to be a perfect family, relationship, or life. Let's not forget about the comments which oftentimes lead to arguments, posturing, and puffed up opinions. All of this can be very draining, not to mention these things having an affect on our mental, emotional, and spiritual state.

So take a moment today and remove yourself from the overload of information that you may be consuming. Take a moment to decompress and just breathe. Instead of scrolling through your phone on your lunch break, be still and spend time with God, or not be still and enjoy a nice walk.

There are so many other things that you can do today to appreciate the beautiful things going on around you. Take a moment and do them.

Image result for he leadeth me beside still waters

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